Want to send a teacher, class or friend a CandyGram?
Simply fill out the CandyGram order form and return it to school with your money, and your CandyGrams will be delivered to their classroom!
- Who can you send a CandyGram to? Students to students, students to teachers/staff, staff/teacher to students, staff to staff, parents to students, and students to parents.
- How much? 25¢ per CandyGram.
- How do we place an order? You can fill out the CandyGram order form here.
- When do we place an order? Orders will be accepted Dec. 2nd – Dec. 13th.
- When do they get them? CandyGrams will be delivered on Dec. 6th and Dec. 13th.
- Need extra CandyGrams? You can print your own CandyGrams here.